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How to choose the right font.

Serif vs. Sans-Serif​

Serif vs. Sans-Serif

Source: Difference Between Serif & Sans-Serif | Clockwork Design Group Inc.

Web Safe Fonts​

Fonts that are pre-installed by many operating systems.

  • sans-serif
    • Arial
    • Verdana
    • Tahoma
    • Trebuchet MS
  • serif
    • Times New Roman
    • Georgia
    • Garamond
  • monospace
    • Courier New
  • cursive
    • Brush Script MT

Noto Fonts​

Noto is an open source font family created by Google aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel.


Source is a series of open source fonts created by Adobe.


Google and Adobe collaborated to create the Noto CJK and Source Han fonts.

  • Source Han Sans == Noto Sans CJK
  • Source Han Serif == Noto Serif CJK


Some font used reserved font name to:

  • Avoid collisions
  • Protect authors
  • Minimize support
  • Encourage derivatives

Hence there could be similar derivative fonts with slightly different names.


You can search for font name on fontdata to check if the name is in used.


Pairing fonts is an art, just like pairing wine and cheese. Here are some useful resources:

  • Fontpair provides font pairings using Google Fonts.
  • Fontjoy lets you test font pairings.

Where to look for fonts​
