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Dunder Methods

An overview of Python's dunder methods.


  • __init__: Constructor
  • __str__: Overwrites the str() function
  • __bool__: Overrides the bool() function
  • __len__: Overrides the len() function
  • __hash__: Overrides the hash() function, this is used in dictionaries
  • __repr__: String representation shown in the REPL
  • __call__: Caller function, lets you call the object like a function
  • __enter__: Setup function for context managers, calls when entering a with block
  • __exit__: Cleanup function for context managers, calls when exiting a with block


  • __getitem__: You get an item from the object using an index
  • __setitem__: Let's use an index to set or change an item in the object
  • __delitem__: Lets you delete an item from the object using an index
  • __iter__: Iterators, lets you loop over the object
  • __next__: Next function for iterators, lets you loop over the object
  • __contains__: Overwrites the in operator


OperatorForwards (self ? other)Backwards (other ? self)

